Thursday, February 28, 2019

Fidget Friendly Journal: For People Who Like to Keep Their Hands Busy

Fidgeting is “movements, especially feet and hands, which take place because of impatience or nervousness”. But we also see fidgeting as just not being able to stay still. It could be caused by ADD, ADHD, tics, or a whole variety of reasons, including stress. So many toys and gadgets are on the market to help people with their fidgeting but here is an alternative. This journal can be used to doodle, play games, write stories, or whatever comes to mind. Each page has a place to include the date and time, where you are and what you are doing. Perhaps by the end of the journal, you can see a pattern as to why you feel the need to fidget.

My autistic son is a person who fidgets and paces.  I have great hopes that he will enjoy this book too!


Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Writing Prompt Workbook: Legendary and Magical Creatures

I really enjoyed putting this writing prompt workbook together. I love looking for unusual magical or legendary creatures to write about.  Thought maybe you might too.

Link on

Monday, February 25, 2019

Family History Workbook

Here's one of my new books that is being published at tomorrow. With the recent passing of my mother, it got me thinking about how little I know about my family's past. Use it not only to keep records of what you know about your past, but for YOU to write in for your family's future generations to know about you.


Wednesday, February 20, 2019

The Missing Mermaid short story is LIVE!

So excited!  My mermaid short story has only been  "live" on for less than a day, and I already have buyers!  I hope they enjoy it.


Tuesday, February 19, 2019

One more day till The Missing Mermaid

I've uploaded the book to Amazon's Kindle publishing program.  Says it could take up to 72 hours to be available for purchase, so let's all mark our calendars.  However, their online-previewer program (so I can see what it will look like on a kindle or other tablet) wasn't working, so if you see any odd formatting etc, please let me know as soon as possible so I can work with Amazon to fix it.


p.s. Created a different cover.  Hope you like this one!

Monday, February 18, 2019

Countdown to the release of The Missing Mermaid

The prelude of my romantic suspense anthology of underwater adventures is due to be released on in two days! 

Please note on your calendar to

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Countdown to Missing Mermaid!

It's only three days now until the release of the romantic suspense short story, The Missing Mermaid.

Stay tuned!

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Mermaids everywhere!

I am diligently working to get my mermaid anthology finished and publishable.  So far, I have adventures in, of course, Atlantis, but also at a mer-people collective in the Arctic Circle and one group can even talk with sharks and seals!

This group of short stories has been a blast to plot and visualize. 

"The Missing Mermaid" is the first short story, which I will release next week while I'm finishing stories 2 through 6.